Saturday, May 3, 2014

HOW TO: Layup

Welcome to the start of the 'How To' series on this blog, where over the next few weeks we'll be describing, showing and hopefully helping you perfect the skill of a number of basketball techniques. We'll cover most basics including dribbling, 3-pointers and doing a layup. Today, we're starting off with one of the most effective shots in basketball to be made, the layup.

Before our upcoming video on how to do a simple lay up, we've provided a step by step tutorial below to walk you through the fundamentals of a layup.

Step 1
Pick the side you'll be shooting from, for beginners its easier to do a layup coming in from the side of their preferred hand. (left handed players will come from the left and vice versa for right handed players.)

Step 2
Dribble in towards the basket with the hand from the side your coming from.

Step 3
Dribble in one step in front of the free throw line or on the three throw line depending on the length of your stride.

Step 4
Take two steps towards the basket.

Step 5
When about one and half meters from the basket jump off the opposite foot in relation to the shooting arm. e.g if you are doing a right handed layup, aim to always jump of the left foot.

Step 6
Throw the ball towards the backboard top corner with the hand furthest from the basket. (right hand if your coming in from the right and left hand if your coming in from the left) If you are successful the ball should swish through the net.

So guys that's how you perform a simple layup, of course there are more complex and better looking ways to do a layup but that'll be for a later day. The video will be coming soon showing you how we do layups with consistent updates on what we're working on so follow us on twitter at @isys100bfriday.

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