Wednesday, May 14, 2014

HOW TO: Crossover

The art of the crossover dribble is quite difficult to master, as it requires agility, to have hand eye coordination and the ability to accelerate once performed. The maneuver is performed by the ball handler in which while dribbling the play switches (crosses over) the ball to the other hand, while simultaneously changing directions. The crossover is often performed to allow the player to get a shot or bypass the defence, it is effective against high pressure defence.

There are many variations to the crossover to help you fool the defender, however three primary crossovers that every player should have in their arsenal include the following;


'In and Out' 


Basic Crossover

1. Slowly dribble the ball forward with your dominant hand

2. Whilst keeping the ball bouncing below the waist, shoot your hips low and change directions by pivoting your feet

3. As soon as you begin to pivot your feet, bounce the ball in the same direction ahead and catch it with your other hand. (This should be performed in one explosive movement)

4. As you catch the ball in the other hand, the non-ball hand should be used as an arm bar to guard any steal attempts

Variation: Through the legs
Can also be performed by bringing the ball through the legs instead of in front of the player. This variation allows you to protect the ball if the guarding player is up close and placing pressure. This requires some experience and practice.


The In and Out Crossover

1. Dribble the ball with you dominant hand towards a defender (We will use the right hand as an example here.

2. As you approach the defender, whilst the ball is in your right hand begin by faking to your right side (or hesitate) and crossing the ball over to the other side quickly. As usual keep the ball below the waist and stay low.

3. Instead of continuing in the direction you crossed to, use your left foot to transfer your energy back into the opposite direction in an explosive moment. (Note: Do not cross the ball over the the other side, instead fake like you are crossing over, then scoop it back the other way in conjunction with your footwoork)


Double Crossover

1. Dribble the ball with your dominant hand against a defender.

2. Maintain eye contact with the defenders hips and feet to judge the best time to crossover, when required perform a basic crossover by bouncing the ball to the other hand in a fairly slow manner.

3. As soon as the ball is about to the hit the ground and bounce to the other hand, get down low and use the receiving hand to QUICKLY bounce it back to it's starting point

4. Your defender should be caught off balance in order to provide you with an opening.


Happy Ankle-Breaking!

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